Laatste meningen over bioscopen in Groningen



Fijn filmhuis waar goed wordt geprogrammeerd. Niets van de standaard vervelende Hollywoodfilms, maar kunststukjes tot en met!

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a goeie ik vind het best wel saai hoe dit op het internet staat maak er wat voorbeeldingen van enzo oke groejtes jolanda

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Franse Martijn


Hoi, My name is Martijn en I live in Groningen since februari 2001. I come from France where I grew up and lived for 20 years, but I was born in Apeldoorn en stil have de Dutsh Nationality. I know the oude ORKZ because I saw the "Skabouters" there. I also went to some GOA parties there and yesterday evening I came to see the BIOS: I really liked the fact that I was allowed to smoke a joint before going to see the film "Wilbur wants to kill himself": nice to see that the people who belong together finaly find each other. I came alone and expected to see someone who told me the movie was reaaly good. But I didn't expect to see a beautyful "mademoiselle" clothed in red. I am looking forwaard to see HER soon. "Lang Leve de anti-Krkers, Carex en de oude RKZ" Groeten, MTV

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